How We Are Kind To Our Planet

At Golestan we truly value kindness – whether it is to each other, to other living beings, or to our planet.

Here are some of the ways we show kindness to our beautiful planet Earth and strive to do our part in reducing our carbon footprint and keeping our environment clean and sustainable.

  • We use mostly recycled materials (including paper products and materials for projects).
  • We have a strict no-foam, no-Styrofoam and no-glitter policy (unless it is headed for landfill and can be upcycled instead).
  • We don’t use plastics (with very few exceptions) – including our trash bags which are 100% compostable and our sand toys, which are 100% recycled
  • We limit 99% of our communications to email (parents very rarely receive any paper communications from us)
  • We only use green cleaning products (with the exception of bleach, which we only when there is an viral outbreak)
  • We have optimized our process for waste disposal so that our compost waste is approximately 10 times greater than our landfill waste
  • All light fixtures are LED.
  • With the exception of tissues and toilet paper (which are all made of recycled paper), we never use disposable products including towels, plates or cups. Even the foods we purchase have minimal packaging (bulk orders straight from farms).
  • We serve grass fed, pastured, free-range meat (limited to 2-3 days per week)
  • All food served at Golestan is organic and, with the exception of bananas and foods related to our Social Cultural Studies, all our meat, fruits and vegetables are sourced from local farms.

Our curriculum is designed to help kids learn from early on that we are the stewards of our planet, and as such, even two year olds learn to make choices that reflect our responsibility as such citizens.